Friday 5 August 2016

best video conveter

Videos are one of the popular sources of entertainment. We usually watch videos on computers, mobiles, smartphones and tablets. All these devices support different video formats. Even we use different media players for all devices. So, at times we can not play computer video formats on mobiles. Also some time our PC media player does not support some formats. As we have already listed out some best media player for PC. Just like we also watch videos of MP4, FLV, AVI, and other formats. Sometimes, when our mobile device does not supports PC version videos formats. Then with the help of video converter software we can change video format according to devices compatibility. But all these format are even having different encoding decoding versions, Quality differences. So we need best video converter software to convert the video into compatible format.
As we record videos on our devices and sometimes we also record them for business purpose. Like we record tutorials so in that case you need screen recording software. But in all these personal or professional videos, we need to make them compatible and high quality with better effects you can even try video editing software. Today here we are going to discuss about some best video converter software. Which helps in converting and changing video format. Here are some best video converting software which are popular and easy to use.

List Of Best Video Converter Software For Windows.

1. Wondershare Video Converter.

Wondershare is another popular video converter software without any cost. It is compatible with all version of Windows. It’s fastest video converter, its speed is 30 X faster than its competitors. It can be used to download videos from many other sites. Wondershare Video Converter can convert AVI, MP4 MKV, MOV, FLV, 3GP , MPEG and many other formats. It also support all mobile formats. We can also play video and see the scenes from which we want to clip a small video clip and also select its end point in term of time.
Download ButtonWondershare Video Converter for windows pc

2. Total Video Converter.

Total Video converter is one of the best video converter software. It is designed for Windows and Mac operating system. It is compatible with all version of Windows. We can convert file or a part of file from one format to another format. We can also play file before conversion. With Total Video Converter, we can mark the starting and ending time of file before converting a clip of large file. We can also convert video files to audio files only. It also support various mobile format. Total Video Converter support various vedio formats including AVI, MOV, MKV, MP4, WMV, ASF, MPEG, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, TIF, AVC. Various mobile formats include Nokia, Sony, Blackberry, iPhone etc.
Download ButtonTotal Video Converter for windows pc

3. Handbrake.

Handbrake is one of the best video converter software for PC which is a freeware available for you. It is designed for Windows, Mac and Linux. Handbrake support different formats including MP4, MKV, MPEG-4, MPEG-2. We can convert it into iPhone, iPad, iPod and another Android formats, 3GP and other mobile formats. We can also converts video to only audio with this converter.
Download ButtonHandbrake for windows pc

4. Format Factory.

Format factory is another free video converter software for PC. It is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8. It support MPEG, MP4, MP3, BMP, TIF, WMA, FLV, 3GP and OGG video format. This software is available in 65 different languages. Format Factory also support iPhone formats etc. It can also repair damage files. We can also convert a batch of files to another format. It also provide shut down option after completing the task.
Download ButtonFormat Factory for windows pc

5. AVS Media Converter.

AVS Media Converter is free video converter tool which is currently available only for Windows. This software is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8. AVS Media Converter support video format including AVI, VOB, AVCHD, Blu-Ray, MPEG, FLV, MKV. It also support mobile formats for blackberry, Sony, Apple, Android. We can also share our videos on web using this video converter. We can also set shut down after completion option for PC shut down after completion.
Download ButtonAVS Media Converter for windows pc

6. MPEG StreamClip.

MPEG StreamClip is also a free video converter software. It is compatible with Windows and Mac operating system. MPEG StreamClip support input format like MPEG, VOB, PS, AVI, MOV, DV, MMC, REC, VID and many others. It also support all mobile formats. We can also trim, clip and edit and transport videos using MPEG converter. We can also download videos from Google and YouTube by entering the link of video. MPEG StreamClip can also play videos in your computer.
Download ButtonMPEG StreamClip for windows pc

7. Convertilla.

Convertilla is another simple tools in the list of Best Video converter Tools for Windows. It is free to download. It has a compact interface and attractive look. Convertilla is a light weight tool. This software provides drag and drop interface. It supports a wide variety of video formats for mobile, tablets and PC. We can easily drag a video and choose format to and press convert button to convert it. It is compatible with all versions of Windows and available for Windows 32 and 64 bit OS.
Download ButtonConvertilla Windows Software

8. Koyote Free Video Converter.

It is another best software in the list of best video converter Software for Windows. Koyote Free Video Converter is compatible with all version of Windows and is free to download and use. It provide an easy to use interface with attractive look. We just need to select the file which we want to convert and format that we want. Users can also convert multiple files simultaneously independent of each other. It support multiple formats like MOV,  MP4, 3GP, FLV, MPEG, DVD,AVI and Many other.
Download ButtonKoyote Free Video Converter Windows Software

9. Media Coder.

Media Coder is another best video converter for Windows which is available for free to use. It is available for Windows and MAC. Media Coder is compatible with all versions of Windows. It support all common audio and video formats. We can also convert multiple conversions simultaneously because it support multi threaded design. We just need to choose the file and select the format. It will automatically convert within few minutes depending upon the size of file.
Download ButtonMedia Coder Windows Software

10. Ffmpeg.

Ffmpeg is an open source video converter and is the best software in the list of video converter software for Windows. Its main motive is to provide free tools to convert video formats. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Its interface is simple and ordinary but yet it is an effective video converting Tool. Ffmpeg also provide media player to play the videos. We can easily convert videos for our mobile, TV, PC, iPhone and many other formats.
Download ButtonFfmpeg Windows Software
Hence, these some best video converter software for windows PC. We hope you like all these listed software and find helpful for you. If you know any of the best video converter tool which is missing in above given list. You can share it with us in below given comments we will update it soon.

Healthy food

 Foods That Are Super Healthy

Eating healthy does NOT have to be boring.
There is a massive amount of foods out there that are both healthy and tasty.
Here are 50 incredibly healthy foods. Most of them are surprisingly delicious.
Female Nutritionist With an Apple at Desk

1-6: Fruits and Berries

Fruits and berries are among the world’s most popular health foods.
This is not surprising, given that they taste incredible. Fruits are also very easy to incorporate into the diet, because they require little to no preparation.

1. Apples

The apple is high in fiber, vitamin C and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very fulfilling, and perfect as snacks if you find yourself hungry between meals.

2. Avocados

Avocados are different than most fruits, because they are loaded with healthy fats instead of carbs. They are creamy, tasty and high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

3. Bananas

Bananas are among the world’s best sources of potassium. They are also high in vitamin B6 and fiber. Bananas are ridiculously convenient and portable.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are not only delicious, but also among the most powerful sources of antioxidants in the world.

5. Oranges

Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content. They are also high in fiber, antioxidants and taste incredible.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries are highly nutritious, and are low in both carbs and calories.
They are loaded with vitamin C, fiber and manganese, and are arguably among the most delicious foods in existence.

Other Healthy Fruits

There are many other healthy fruits and berries that aren’t listed here.
Some examples: Cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons, mango, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums and raspberries.

7. Eggs

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet.
They were previously demonized for being high in cholesterol, but new studies have shown that they are perfectly safe and healthy (1, 2).

8-10: Meats

It is a myth that all meat is harmful. Unprocessed, gently cooked meat is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can eat.
Man at Restaurant Eating Steak

8. Lean Beef

Lean beef is among the best sources of protein in existence, and loaded with highly bioavailable iron. Choosing the fatty cuts is fine if you’re on a low carb diet.

9. Chicken Breasts

Chicken breast is low in fat and calories, but extremely high in protein. It is a great source of many nutrients. Again, feel free to eat fattier cuts of chicken if you’re not eating that many carbs.

10. Lamb

Lambs are usually grass-fed, and their meat tends to be high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

11-16: Nuts, Seeds and Peanuts

Despite being high in fat and calories, studies suggest that nuts and seeds can help you lose weight (3, 4).
Housewife Holding Jar of Almonds
These foods are crunchy, fulfilling and loaded with important nutrients that many people don’t get enough of, including magnesium and vitamin E.
They also require zero preparation, which is important because it makes it easier to incorporate them into the diet.

11. Almonds

The almond is a popular type of nut. It is loaded with vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fiber. Studies show that almonds can help you lose weight, and provide impressive benefits for metabolic health (5).

12. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are among the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. A single ounce (28 grams) contains 11 grams of fiber, and a large part of the recommended intake for magnesium, manganese, calcium and various other nutrients.

13. Coconuts

Coconuts are loaded with fiber and powerful fatty acids called medium-chain triglycerides.

14. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are very tasty. They are much higher in monounsaturated fats, and lower in Omega-6 fatty acids, than most other nuts.

15. Walnuts

Walnuts are highly nutritious and loaded with fiber and all sorts of vitamins and minerals.

16. Peanuts

Peanuts (technically legumes, not nuts) are incredibly tasty and high in nutrients and antioxidants. Several studies show that peanuts can help you lose weight (6, 7).
However, take it easy on the peanut butter. It is very high in calories and incredibly easy to eat excessive amounts of it.

17-26: Vegetables

Calorie for calorie, vegetables are among the world’s most concentrated sources of nutrients.
There is a wide variety available, and it is best to eat many different types of vegetables every day.
Man Cutting Bell Pepper With Big Knife

17. Asparagus

Asparagus is a popular vegetable. It is low in both carbs and calories, but loaded with vitamin K.

18. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers come in several colors, including red, yellow and green. They are crunchy and taste very sweet, and are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

19. Broccoli

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that tastes great both raw and cooked. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin K and vitamin C, and contains a decent amount of protein compared to other vegetables.

20. Carrots

The carrot is a popular root vegetable. It is extremely tasty and crunchy, and loaded with nutrients like fiber and vitamin K. Carrots are also very high in carotene antioxidants, which have numerous benefits.

21. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a very versatile cruciferous vegetable. It can be used to make all sorts of healthy recipes, and also tastes pretty good on its own.

22. Cucumber

The cucumber is one of the world’s most popular vegetables. It is very low in both carbs and calories, and consists mostly of water. However, it does contain a number of nutrients in small amounts, including vitamin K.

23. Garlic

Garlic is incredibly healthy. It contains allicin, a bioactive compound with powerful biological effects, including improved immune function (8).

24. Kale

Kale has been very popular in recent years, for good reason. It is incredibly high in vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber and a number of other nutrients. It is perfect to add a satisfying crunch to salads and recipes.

25. Onions

Onions have a very strong flavor, and are very popular for use in recipes. They contain a number of bioactive compounds believed to have health benefits.

26. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are usually categorized as a vegetable, although they are technically a fruit. They are tasty and loaded with nutrients like potassium and vitamin C.

More Healthy Vegetables

These weren’t listed, but are also very healthy: Artichokes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, eggplant, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, radishes, squash, swiss chard, turnips, zucchini.

27-32: Fish and Seafood

Fish and other seafoods tend to be very healthy and nutritious.
They are especially rich in in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine, two nutrients that most people don’t get enough of.
Studies show that people who eat the most foods from the sea (especially fish) tend to live longer and have a lower risk of many diseases, including heart disease, dementia and depression (9, 10, 11).
Young Girl With Salmon

27. Salmon

Salmon is a type of oily fish that is incredibly popular due to its excellent taste and high amount of nutrients, including protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains some vitamin D.

28. Sardines

Sardines are small, oily fish that are among the most nutritious foods you can eat. They contain hefty amounts of the majority of nutrients required by the human body.

29. Shellfish

Shellfish isn’t eaten very often, which is a shame because it contains more nutrients than almost every other food. It ranks similar to organ meats when it comes to nutrient density. Edible shellfish includes clams, mollusks and oysters.

30. Shrimp

Shrimp is a type of animal found in the sea. It tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is also loaded with various other nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12.

31. Trout

Trout is another type of delicious oily fish, similar to salmon.

32. Tuna

Tuna is very popular in Western countries, and tends to be low in fat and calories, but high in protein. It is perfect people who need to add more protein to their diets, while keeping calories low.

33-35: Grains

Grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years, mainly due to them being a forbidden food on the wildly popular paleo diet.
Smiling Blonde Eating Cereal in Bed
However, it is a mistake to lump all grains together. There are many different types of grains, and some of them are very healthy.
Just keep in mind that they are still pretty high in carbs, so they are not recommended on a low carb diet.

33. Brown Rice

Rice is one of the oldest cereal grains, and is currently a staple food for more than half of people in the world. Brown (whole grain) rice is fairly nutritious, with a decent amount of fiber, vitamin B1 and magnesium.

34. Oats

Oats are incredibly healthy. They are loaded with nutrients, and also contain powerful fibers called beta-glucans, shown to have numerous benefits.

35. Quinoa

Quinoa has become incredibly popular among health conscious individuals in recent years. It is a tasty grain that is high in nutrients like fiber and magnesium. It is also an excellent source of plant-based protein.

36-37: Breads

Most people eat a lot of bread.
For those who are trying to adopt a healthier diet for the first time, it can be extremely challenging to find something to eat instead of bread.
Fortunately, there are several healthy (or at least “less bad”) options available.
Woman Baking With Flour

36. Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel bread may be the healthiest bread you can buy at the store. It is made from organic, sprouted whole grains, and also contains several types of legumes.

37. Homemade low-carb breads

The safest choice for healthy bread is something that you make yourself. Here is a list of 15 recipes for healthy breads that are gluten-free and low in carbs.

38-40: Legumes

Legumes are another food group that has been unfairly demonized in recent years.
It is true that legumes contain anti-nutrients, substances that can interfere with digestion and absorption of nutrients.
However, these anti-nutrients can be eliminated by soaking and properly preparing the legumes before eating them (12).
What we’re left with is an incredibly cheap source of quality nutrition, including a great plant-based source of protein.
Young Girl Eating Peas

38. Green beans

Green beans, also called string beans, are unripe varieties of the common bean. They are very popular in Western countries.

39. Kidney beans

Kidney beans are loaded with various vitamins and minerals, and are very high in fiber. Just make sure to cook them properly, because they are toxic when raw.

40. Lentils

Lentils are another popular legume. They are high in fiber and are among the best sources of plant-based protein. Lentils also taste delicious, and have a very satisfying texture.

41-43: Dairy

Many people can’t tolerate dairy products.
However, for people who do tolerate them, they are a healthy source of various important nutrients.
Healthy Woman Drinking a Glass of Milk
Full-fat dairy products seem to be the best, and studies show that people who eat the most full-fat dairy have a lower risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes (13, 14).
If the dairy comes from grass-fed cows, then that may be even better, as it is higher in some bioactive fatty acids like CLA.

41. Cheese

Cheese is incredibly nutritious, and a single slice of it contains about the same nutrients as an entire cup of milk. It is also one of the most delicious foods you can eat.

42. Whole milk

Whole milk is very high in vitamins, minerals, quality animal protein and healthy fats. It is one of the best sources of calcium.

43. Yogurt

Yogurt is made from milk that is fermented by adding live bacteria to it. It has many of the same health effects as milk, except with the added benefits of the friendly probiotic bacteria.

44-46: Fats and Oils

The “war” on fat is lost, and many fats and oils have been making a comeback as health foods.
Chef Pouring Olive Oil on a Salad, Smaller

44. Butter from grass-fed cows

Butter from cows that were fed on grass is high in many important nutrients, including the very important vitamin K2.

45. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is loaded with powerful fatty acids called medium chain triglycerides. Coconut oil may have benefits for Alzheimer’s disease, and has been shown to help you lose belly fat (15, 16).

46. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on earth. It contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and is very high in antioxidants with powerful health benefits.

47-48: Tubers

Tubers are the storage organs of some plants. They tend to contain a number of beneficial nutrients.

47. Potatoes

Potatoes are a very popular food around the world. They are loaded with potassium, and contain a little bit of almost every nutrient we need, including vitamin C.
They are also incredibly fulfilling. One study found that boiled potatoes were by far the most filling of 38 foods that were tested (17).

48. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are among the most delicious starchy foods you can eat. They are loaded with antioxidants and all sorts of healthy nutrients.

49. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular in the natural health community. Studies show that it can help lower blood sugar levels and cause modest weight loss (18, 19).
It is great to use in salad dressings, and to add flavor to meals.

50. Dark Chocolate

Not only is dark chocolate the most delicious food on this list, but it may also be the healthiest.
Dark chocolate is loaded with fiber and magnesium, and is one of the most powerful sources of antioxidants in existence (20).

Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is that the best because of manage the bookmarks for your necessary links. And Social bookmarking conjointly may gift your sites to others and it will bring plenty of traffic for your sites. whereas variety of the Social bookmarking sites will list your links with No Follow attributes but there ar many Social bookmarking sites that is in a position to list your links as Do Follow attribute. Note that search engines exclusively well worth the Do Follow links. These Do Follow links will act as backlinks for your sites. And evidently the Social bookmarking sites with high PR (Page Rank) might be a more robust possibility for building these backlinks.
Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites List
Building backlinks from Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016 might be a quite common observe currently. as a results of Social Bookmarking sites with high PR can boost your sites ranking in search engines by linking your sites. Another issue is that if you add New what is more as Quality posts on your computing machine often and marker consequently then you’ll get many backlinks from Social bookmarking sites.
As there ar many Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016 accessible, i\’m sharing some Social bookmarking sites having high PR with a good trustrank.
There ar many applications and plugins accessible to marker you website’s link. These tools will build your Social Bookmarking task easier. And you need to forever build your bookmarks visibility to Public as a results of it\’ll build your bookmarks accessible to the search engines.
1 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

2 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

3 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

4 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

5 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

6 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

7 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016

Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

8 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)

9 PR Dofollow Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Social Bookmarking Sites
PR (Page Rank)
Do you have any suggestions of alternative social bookmarking sites?

Visitors To Your Website

10 Ways To Get 100 Extra Visitors To Your Website Today!

Sometimes it seems extremely hard to get those first 100 visitors to your articles and it can be frustrating when this happens; especially when you are new to the world of Internet Marketing and you just don’t know what you are doing wrong. Well I’m here to help you with these ’10 Ways To Bring Visitors To Your Articles’ admittedly this is not going to be a masterclass which draws on and on; this is all about helping you to get to your first 100 visitors as quickly and easily as possible without a ton of jargon. So here you go guys I hope this truly helps some of you out. If you enjoy this post, you should also check David’s other posts such as 10 WordPress Plugins for Bloggers!

1. Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! might be losing the search engine market share battle but they still dominate in the Question and Answers arena. People ask thousands of questions every day in almost every niche and industry you can imagine. A quick search for “Search Engine Optimization” shows over 1,300 questions that can be answered. The key to driving massive amounts of traffic from Yahoo! Answers is to give genuinely helpful answers. Instead of trying to create a blatant advertisement for your website work on becoming an authority in your industry. This technique has the potential to send you far more than 100 visitors. When people use search engines to look for the questions you answered often times a Yahoo! Answers result will appear near the top of the search results. This will give you and your website a ton of exposure if you answer commonly asked questions!

2. Social Bookmarking

If you create content that people enjoy it can easily become popular or even go viral. The important thing is to put your website and content in front of people that are looking for it, right? Social bookmarking is a super easy way to do just that. Social bookmarking sites allow users to bookmark their favorite websites that other people can publicly view and vote up or down. If you bookmark useful content other people will find it, share it, and vote it up so others can enjoy it. Oh yeah, and it only takes about 30 seconds to bookmark your site. The 3 most popular social bookmarking sites are Digg, Reddit, and Delicious. These 3 sites get over 8 MILLION unique visitors a month – funneling off a chunk of that traffic to your website is very doable. (There’s plenty to go around ) Just remember to create content that people will enjoy and/or find useful. The most popular content on social bookmarking sites are usually check lists, “Top 10” lists, tools & resources, and breaking news – so keep that in mind!

3. Squidoo

Squidoo is a website full of 100% user generated content that allows you to create what’s called a “lense.” A lense is a page about a specific topic that you choose to write about (usually something you’re knowledgeable in). After creating your lense other people can find it by searching for terms and keywords related to your lense. Let me just start off by saying Squidoo is an absolute powerhouse in the search engines (by lawrence mcmeen). Its very easy to rank Squidoo lenses for competitive terms that would prove to be a challenge for websites with lesser authority. Creating a lense on Squidoo gives you 2 traffic opportunities:
  • When people use search engines and search for keywords related to your lense it will sometimes show up in the top search results if it’s relevant enough to the search phrase. This means you can get drones of targeted traffic to your lense from search engines that you can funnel into your website.
  • Squidoo has a huge community of active users that use Squidoo to find things they want to know more about. Squidoo currently gets over 9 million unique visitors a month and they’re still growing steadily. Look at Squidoo’s traffic growth over just the last year:
Creating a lense or two is one of my favorite ways to get laser targeted traffic without hours of work.

4. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to generate free traffic – all you have to invest is the time to write an article. Get in touch with the most popular blogs in your industry and ask if they’ll let you write a guest post. Most website owners will have no objections to having other people write free content for them. (ask Michael how I know…wink, wink) If you’re having trouble finding blogs to guest post on check out – they have a full community of bloggers that are ready and waiting for your content.

5. Forum Posting

There are community forums setup online for virtually every niche, industry, or topic you can imagine. The internet is a prime place for like minded people to talk to each other. 9 times out of 10 you can find a forum for your industry just by typing in [your industry] or searching for “[Your Industry] Forum” on Google. Find the forums in your industry with the largest user base, start posting there and become an active community member. Most forums will allow you to leave a link to your website in your post signature, so the more you post the more traffic you get.

6. Twitter

Every time I write new content I post it to twitter. If you use the right keywords and make your tweet interesting enough you can get a lot of clickthroughs just from people searching. For example if I write an article about SEO and Google I can tag the end of the tweet with #SEO #Google and anyone that searches for those keywords on Twitter can see my tweet about the post that I wrote. Be sure to write creative headlines for your posts so people feel the urge to click on them.


Creating a Facebook fan page takes about an entire 45 seconds and is a almost a necessity at this point for every business owner. Considering that 1 in 13 people on EARTH have a Facebook account there’s really no need to explain why you should be there. Pro tip: make sure you create a fan page and not a group. Groups messages don’t show up in news feeds making it hard to get in touch with members. Making a fan page will give you a lot more exposure to not only the current members but members friends as well.

8. Blog Commenting

Commenting on blog posts written by industry experts with lots of followers can bring your website a lot of traffic. When you post a comment (most) blogs allow you to leave a link back to your site for other readers to check out – as long as you leave an insightful comment you WILL get traffic from your blog comments. Make sure you comment as quickly as possible when new blog posts go up. The higher in the comments you are the more clicks you’ll get. I have Google Reader setup to alert me when new blog posts are made on the industry blogs I follow and I comment immediately to lock in my first place spot.

9. Article Marketing

Promoting your websites by publishing articles to various article directories is by no means a new idea but still an extremely effective way to drive traffic. If you write content and publish it to websites like Ezine Articles, Article Base, and Article Dashboard website owners will pick it up and post it. This idea is similar to guest blogging except that you only have to write one piece of content that can end up on hundreds of even thousands of blogs and websites. The same rule applies here: don’t be boring – be creative and interesting and use common keywords in your article and title so website owners can find it!

10. Link bait

The idea of “link bait” refers to creating content that is so extremely useful or entertaining it compels people to link to it. Put yourself in the shoes of your target demographic and figure out what they would enjoy or what would help them the most. Is there a tool you can make to automate some tedious process? Can you find enough data to make an interesting infographic? Is there a checklist or cheat sheet that would prove handy to your audience? The possibilities are nearly endless – survey your visitors and see what is missing or lacking in your industry and fill in the gaps.

Phone Number Tracking

Mobile Phone Locator

Locating Someone’s Location Via Phone Number

Knowing where is someone is probably the most comforting and a very valuable technology to have nowadays. You couldn’t be more confident knowing your children are safe wherever they are. Unfortunately, this technology isn’t available for public. There might be some software tools available online but they with a good price as well.
On this post I am going to share to you a method where you can get the same exact service without spending a single dollar from your pocket. Of course, not all the features the premium software offers but the most important feature which is Geo-Locating someone using their mobile number is more than enough for a free service. Yep, you read that right, spend nothing on using this powerful tool.
On today’s technology is very rare to see someone not holding a smart phone and mobile devices mainly, iPhone, Android, Tablets, Smart Watch and more. These mobiles come with GPS device inside which will be very handy on our subject. Tracking an Android phone users location by just using its mobile number is now a very easy thing to do. Moms with less knowledge in techie things will find this tool very easy to use.
Are you excited? Read more below what these tool can do.


  • Geo Locate Someones current position using the mobile phone number.
  • No App to install on the victims mobile phone.
  • 100% Free to use – ZERO hidden fees
  • A very easy to use software GUI
  • Tracks location almost in instant .
  • Never get noticed you are tracking someone.
  • Total anonymity
  • Free Updates for 1 year
  • Currently working on Windows OS

Supported Phones

  • All kinds of mobile phone as long as it has SIM Card or has mobile number and GPS of course.
  • Android, iOS, Windows, BlackBerry – ALL!


NOTE: If this method fails to work you can use – is another awesome tool for tracking mobile device location and more and more features! This tool tracks mobile phone using the targets mobile number. It also downloads targets GPS logs, messages logs, facebook logs, browser history logs and much much more!…
  • Simply download this tool –> Click here to download (WLMobileFreezer tool) or this link – download link updated March 18, 2016 – Please report dead links!
  • Install on your PC (Windows OS – Win7, Win8 and Win8.1) 32-bit and 64-bit OS
  • Enter the victims mobile phone number on the field
  • Press “Locate Current Position
  • Wait for few minutes and it will appear soon.
  • That’s it! You can either lock the current position so that you could follow him/her whenever your victim goes.
The victim must have his/her GPS turned on! Otherwise, this process will NOT WORK!


This is what it looks like on the GUI. Enter the Mobile number and select the country.

This is the updated LiveMap after entering the mobile number. The map will show you the exact location of the person you are looking.
Updated LiveMap

Accessing WhatsApp App Remotely

Accessing this app may require addition tool but don’t worry since we got you covered. And you do not need to download and install other tool – We got an online-based Whatsapp Hacker Tool which can be accessed online. This tool accesses someone’s whatsapp activity such as messages, call logs, media files such as music, pics and videos. All this Remotely!

Don’t Worry Anymore

Now you do not have to worry anymore! Just ask your children to constantly turn on their GPS on their mobile phone as you can constantly check on their location. However, if your children refuses to do so then we can’t do anything about it since we only rely on the GPS feature on their phones to locate them.

Have fun with WLMobile Freezer Tool

Freeze their phones!
This tool which can be  as well freezes your victims mobile phone by just using their mobile phone number. However, the victim must be connected to the internet as well preferably a WIFI connection would be good.

Online best Learning Sites

Online learning may not appeal to everyone; however, the sheer number of online learning sites suggests that there is at least a strong interest in convenient, portable learning options — many of which are study-at-your-own-pace. For your reference, we’ve selected 50 top learning sites and loosely collected them into the categories you’ll find below. While this is not a rankings list by any means, using a variety of criteria, we’ve filtered in some of the most popular sites in each category. Many of these sites offer free lessons; some require payment or offer verified certification for a nominal fee. Some sites offer very general non-academic lessons, others provided actual college / university curriculum course material. Whatever you are looking to learn, check out the list below before trying to wade through pages of search engine listings.
Art and Music
  • Dave ConservatoireDave Conservatoire is an entirely free online music school offering a self-proclaimed “world-class music education for everyone,” and providing video lessons and practice tests.
  • DrawspaceIf you want to learn to draw or improve your technique, Drawspace has free and paid self-study as well as interactive, instructor-led lessons.
  • Justin GuitarThe Justin Guitar site boasts over 800 free guitar lessons which cover transcribing, scales, arpeggios, ear training, chords, recording tech and guitar gear, and also offers a variety of premium paid mobile apps and content (books/ ebooks, DVDs, downloads).
Math, Data Science and Engineering
  • CodecademyCodecademy offers data science and software programming (mostly Web-related) courses for various ages groups, with an in-browser coding console for some offerings.
  • Stanford Engineering EverywhereSEE/ Stanford Engineering Everywhere houses engineering (software and otherwise) classes that are free to students and educators, with materials that include course syllabi, lecture videos, homework, exams and more.
  • Big Data UniversityBig Data University covers Big Data analysis and data science via free and paid courses developed by teachers and professionals.
  • Better ExplainedBetterExplained offers a big-picture-first approach to learning mathematics — often with visual explanations — whether for high school algebra or college-level calculus, statistics and other related topics.
Design, Web Design/ Development
  • HOW Design UniversityHow Design University (How U) offers free and paid online lessons on graphic and interactive design, and has opportunities for those who would like to teach.
  • HTML DogHTML Dog is specifically focused on Web development tutorials for HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding skills.
  • SkillcrushSkillcrush offers professional web design and development courses aimed at one who is interested in the field, regardless of their background — with short, easy-to-consume modules and a 3-month Career Blueprints to help students focus on their career priorities.
  • Hack DesignHack Design, with the help of several dozen designers around the world, has put together a lesson plan of 50 units (each with one or more articles and/or videos) on design for Web, mobile apps and more by curating multiple valuable sources (blogs, books, games, videos, and tutorials) — all free of charge.
General – Children and Adults
  • Scratch – Imagine, Program, ShareScratch from MIT is a causal creative learning site for children, which has projects that range from the solar system to paper planes to music synths and more.
  • UdemyUdemy hosts mostly paid video tutorials in a wide range of general topics including personal development, design, marketing, lifestyle, photography, software, health, music, language, and more.
  • E-learning for kidsE-learning for Kids offers elementary school courses for children ages 5-12 that cover curriculum topic including math, science, computer, environment, health, language, life skills and others.
  • Ed2goEd2go aims their “affordable” online learning courses at adults, and partners with over 2,100 colleges and universities to offer this virtual but instructor-led training in multiple categories — with options for instructors who would like to participate.
  • GCF Learn is a project of Goodwill Community Foundation and Goodwill Industries, targeting anyone look for modern skills, offering over 1,000 lessons and 125 tutorials available online at anytime, covering technology, computer software, reading, math, work and career and more.
  • Stack ExchangeStackExchange is one of several dozen Q+A sites covering multiple topics, including Stack Overflow, which is related to computer technology. Ask a targeted question, get answers from professional and enthusiast peers to improve what you already know about a topic.
  • HippoCampusHippoCampus combines free video collections on 13 middle school through college subjects from NROC Project, STEMbite, Khan Academy, NM State Learning Games Lab and more, with free accounts for teachers.
  • HowcastHowcast hosts casual video tutorials covering general topics on lifestyle, crafts, cooking, entertainment and more.
  • MemriseLessons on the Memrise (sounds like “memorize”) site include languages and other topics, and are presented on the principle that knowledge can be learned with gamification techniques, which reinforce concepts.
  • SchoolTubeSchoolTube is a video sharing platform for K-12 students and their educators, with registered users representing over 50,000 schools and a site offering of over half a million videos.
  • InstructablesInstructables is a hybrid learning site, offering free online text and video how-to instructions for mostly physical DIY (do-it-yourself) projects that cover various hands-on crafts, technology, recipes, game play accessories and more. (Costs lie in project materials only.)
  • creativeLIVECreativeLive has an interesting approach to workshops on creative and lifestyle topics (photography, art, music, design, people skills, entreprenurship, etc.), with live access typically offered free and on-demand access requiring purchase.
  • Do It YourselfDo It Yourself (DIY) focuses on how-tos primarily for home improvement, with the occasional tips on lifestyle and crafts topics.
  • Adafruit Learning SystemIf you’re hooked by the Maker movement and want to learn how to make Arduino-based electronic gadgets, check out the free tutorials at Adafruit Learn site — and buy the necessary electronics kits and supplies from the main site.
  • GrovoIf you need to learn how to efficiently use a variety of Web applications for work, Grovo has paid (subscription, with free intros) video tutorials on best practices for hundreds of Web sites.
General College and University
  • edXThe edX site offers free subject matter from top universities, colleges and schools from around the world, including MIT and Harvard, and many courses are “verified,” offering a certificate of completion for a nominal minimum fee.
  • CouseraCoursera is a learning site offering courses (free for audit) from over 100 partners — top universities from over 20 countries, as well as non-university partners — with verified certificates as a paid option, plus specializations, which group related courses together in a recommended sequence.
  • MIT Open CoursewareMIT OpenCourseWare is the project that started the OCW / Open Education Consortium [], launching in 2002 with the full content of 50 real MIT courses available online, and later including most of the MIT course curriculum — all for free — with hundreds of higher ed institutions joining in with their own OCW course materials later.
  • Open Yale CoursesOpen Yale Courses (OYC) are free, open access, non-credit introductory courses recorded in Yale College’s classroom and available online in a number of digital formats.
  • Open Learning InitiativeCarnegie Mellon University’s (CMU’s) Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is course content (many open and free) intended for both students who want to learn and teachers/ institutions requiring teaching materials.
  • Khan AcademyKhan Academy is one of the early online learning sites, offering free learning resources for all ages on many subjects, and free tools for teachers and parents to monitor progress and coach students.
  • MIT VideoMITVideo offers over 12,000 talks/ lecture videos in over 100 channels that include math, architecture and planning, arts, chemistry, biological engineering, robotics, humanities and social sciences, physics and more.
  • Stanford OnlineStanford Online is a collection of free courses billed as “for anyone, anywhere, anytime” and which includes a wide array of topics that include human rights, language, writing, economics, statistics, physics, engineering, software, chemistry, and more.
  • Harvard Extension School: Open Learning InitiativeHarvard’s OLI (Open Learning Initiative) offers a selection of free video courses (taken from the edX selection) for the general public that covers a range of typical college topics, includings, Arts, History, Math, Statistics, Computer Science, and more.
  • Canvas NetworkCanvas Network offers mostly free online courses source from numerous colleges and universities, with instructor-led video and text content and certificate options for select programs.
  • Quantum Physics Made Relatively SimpleQuantum Physics Made Relatively Simple” is, as the name implies, a set of just three lectures (plus intro) very specifically about Quantum Physics, form three presentations given by theoretical physicist Hans Bethe.
  • Open UWOpen UW is the umbrella initiative of several free online learning projects from the University of Washington, offered by their UW Online division, and including Coursera, edX and other channels.
  • UC San Diego Podcast LecturesPodcast USCD, from UC San Diego, is a collection of audio and/or video podcasts of multi-subject university course lectures — some freely available, other only accessible by registered students.
  • University of the PeopleUniversity of the People offers tuition-free online courses, with relatively small fees required only for certified degree programs (exam and processing fees).
  • NovoEdNovoEd claims a range of mostly free “courses from thought leaders and distinguished professors from top universities,” and makes it possible for today’s participants to be tomorrow’s mentors in future courses.
IT and Software Development
  • UdacityUdacity offers courses with paid certification and nanodegrees — with emphasis on skills desired by tech companies in Silicon Valley — mostly based on a monthly subscription, with access to course materials (print, videos) available for free.
  • Apple Developer SiteApple Developer Center may be very specific in topics for lessons, but it’s a free source of documentation and tutorials for software developers who want to develop apps for iOS Mobile, Mac OS X desktop, and Safari Web apps.
  • Google CodeAs with Apple Developer Center, Google Code is topic-narrow but a good source of documentation and tutorials for Android app development.
  • is the home of the “Hour of Code” campaign, which is aimed at teachers and educators as well as students of all ages (4-104) who want to teach or learn, respectively, computer programming and do not know where to start.
  • Mozilla Developer NetworkMDN (Mozilla Developer Network) offers learning resources — including links to offsite guides — and tutorials for Web development in HTML, CSS and JavaScript — whether you’re a beginner or an expert, and even if you’re not using Mozilla’s Firefox Web browser.
  • LearnableLearnable by Sitepoint offers paid subscription access to an ebook library of content for computers and tablets, and nearly 5,000 videos lessons (and associated code samples) covering software-related topics – with quizzes and certification available.
  • PluralsightPluralsight (previously PeepCode) offers paid tech and creative training content (over 3,700 courses and 130K video clips) for individuals, businesses and institutions that covers IT admin, programming, Web development, data visualization — as well as game design, 3D animation, and video editing through a partnership with, and additional software coding lessons through
  • CodeHSCodeSchool offers software coding lessons (by subscription) for individuals who want to learn at home, or for students learning in a high school teacher-led class.
  • Aquent GymnasiumGymnasium offers a small but thorough set of free Web-related lesson plans for coding, design and user experience, but filters access by assessing the current knowledge of an enrollee and allows those with scores of at least 70% to continue.


who employ math mostly flop in their PTCs sites. This is a simple guide that will show
you how to earn $20 daily from any PTC sites. Sounds simple? Not really; this technique calls
for appropriate time commitment and patience.
As you read, remember the following terms as used in this bog
DR=Direct Referrals
RR=Rented Referrals
PTC= Pay To Click

This information only tackles the essentials of how to get started on any PTC sites. It is just but a
tip of the iceberg and specifically meant to introduce the reader of this blog.

                                                         PART 1.

You should stick to the following important points as you focus on succeeding in PTCs.
Part One: Click Daily
You have to click every day to earn from any PTC program. This is even more important if
you are still without any referrals in the beginning. At the same time, ensure that you get not
less than 100 clicks to start having DRs.You can consider renting your very first three
referrals after earning $0.6.
If you make ($0.001 for every ad x 5 ads each day x 120 days)=$0.60
                                                          PART 2.

Part Two: Rent Referrals
On earning the $.60, rent your first three referrals and turn the autopay on. The charge for
maintaining referrals is just $0.3 monthly. You don’t have to worry about paying the referrals
because they cover their own bills if the autopay is on; you will make less by a penny from
each, just ensure they don’t become inactive.
Standard members make$0.005 for each click from each one of their RRs.
Clicks from referrals:0.005 for every ad x 4 ads each day x 3 = $0.06 on a daily basis
You will be earning a total of $0.06 per day
                                                        PART 3.

Part Three: Keep Renting
Don’t stop renting the referrals and increasing the number by three whenever you have the
funds. If you can afford it, go for larger packages which should be done gradually as you
make more money. RR packages are in the diverserangesfrom 3, 10, 20, 40…keep doing this
until you get 300 referrals-which is likely to take several months to accomplish but you
shouldn’t give because many people yield at this point. Your earnings will shoot to $6 each
Referral clicks; 0.005 for each ad x 4 ads daily x 300 referrals = $6 daily
Your Total Daily Earnings $6
Note: In this example, it is assumed that all referrals are active every day-which is very
unlikely. These figures are solely for explicatory purposes. You will take in later that you
may need over 300 referrals to have 300 dynamic ones at any particular moment.
On hitting the 300 referrals mark, break off from buying referrals and focus on maintaining
the ones you already have. Do this consistently and the moment you have a $90 balance,
advance to Golden.

                                                         PART 4.

Part Four: Upgrade to Golden
As a golden member, you will maket two times in referrals. Therefore, you will get$0.01 for
each referral click as opposed to 0.005 and $0.01on individual clicks and not just $0.001!
Referral clicks: 0.01 daily x 4 ads each day x 500 referrals = $20 daily
Personal clicks:0.01 daily x 10 ads each day = $0.10 every day
Sum daily earnings:20.00 + 0.10 = $20.10 per day
You will be tempted to cash out at this point; don’t, be patient until you have not less than
2000 referrals, earning between $30 and $40 daily and allowed to rent RRs.
2. Common Drawbacks to Avoid
1. Early Direct Referrals
Most newbies commit this heinous mistake. It is only possible to go for DRs after having
been registered for at least 30 days with at least 100 clicks. We highly suggest that you
familiarize yourself with the individual site rules and FAQ to get used to the rules of the game.
2. Cashing Out too Early
This mistake is mostly committed by impatient persons. It is usually motivated by the desire
to establish whether any PTC site is bona fide or not. Some withdraw as less as $1.00 but why
have a dollar in your gateway account if you could have used it to rent referrals?
2. Inconsistency or Giving up altogether
One of the magical rules of PTC is consistency. If you are the type that will skip days
without clicking on ads, especially when you are just getting started, you sure may not profit.
Every day you skip will negatively affect your progress and the overall game plan to success
is hindered. You must be motivated to remain active-read my free newsletter on how to
remain motivated.
3. GetDirect Referrals At No Cost
There is no better way to get DRs at no cost than by using the Traffic Exchanges.The
principle here is very simple; just by browse a number of websites, earn 1 credit for every
visit and for each credit, you receive one view back to your website.
It has been noted that most referrals will stop clicking ads mainly because they are compelled
to join PTC sites. It is important to only attract the interested persons by advertising on traffic exchange(TE)
sites. Since the referrals will be motivated to click, your clicking average will in the end
There are several websites out of which I recommend for this purpose, as discussed below;

1.Hit this link

                                                     PART 5. 

Part 5: It is very important to open the online gateway account so as to transfer the money earned to any bank account. Just click here : gateway account

                                                     PART 6. 

6. Scams You Must Watch Out For

It is an irrefutable fact that most bux sites are scams. As more and more of these sites turn
into scams, quite a large number of others are coming up. It is therefore paramount that you
act accordingly to guard yourself from falling prey to the scammers. Don’t ignore all the
tell-tale signs on scam sites; they are pretty obvious;
1. Abandoned Sites
Is there a question on the site’s forum that the admin has not bothered to answer? Are there
broken links that have not been fixed? It is very likely that the admin has given up on the
site, it has been abandoned.
2. User Complaints
Are the users happy with the website or it appears everyone is complaining about one
thing or the other. Unhappy users will complain and tell the whole world about a scam on
the web-find out from Google by typing the site’s name+scam.
3. Selective Payments
Is the site paying some members and leaving out the rest? This is an indicator that they are
becoming broke and cannot afford to pay everyone. The main source of revenue for bux sites
is ads and they may not afford to pay members when the ads are not making as much as they
should. Send a support ticket if you have a pending cash out that is yet to be paid for-maybe
there are some technical delays or, there is no money to pay you.
4. Gateway Issues
The main reason people join bux sites is to make money, and cash out. Problems associated with
Gateways/or any payment gateways should therefore be treated with a lot of seriousness as it is very likely that the website may gradually be turning into a scam.

It is my hope that you found this blog interesting. However, i have only but scratched
the surface on what really will bring success and what may not. You can dig deeper on how to
profit from PTC sites.

The following sites are consistent for last five years or more:

1  Link 1
2. Link 2
3. Link 3 
4.  Link4
5.Link 5
6.Link 6
7. Link 7
8. Link8
9. Link9
10.Link 10
11. Link11

It is important to note that use only one computer ,one email, one bank account, one id & one gateway account. Multi account & fraud accounts will be blocked for ever.

Hard work is the essence of profit making