Metasploit was developed by HD Moore as an open source project in 2003. Originally written in Perl, Metasploit was completely rewritten in Ruby in 2007. In 2009, it was purchased by Rapid7, an IT security company that also produces the vulnerability scanner Nexpose.Metasploit is now in version 4.9.3, which is included in our Kali Linux. It's also built into BackTrack. For those of you using some other version of Linux or Unix (including Mac OS), you can download Metasploit from Rapid7's website.
For those of you using Windows, you can also grab it from Rapid7, but I do not recommend running Metasploit in Windows. Although you can download and install it, some of the capabilities of this hacking framework do not translate over to the Windows operating system, and many of my hacks here on Null Byte will not work on the Windows platform.
Ways to Use Metasploit
Metasploit can be accessed or used in multiple ways. The most common method, and the one I use, is the interactive Metasploit console. This is the one that is activated by typing msfconsole at the command line in Kali. There are several other methods as well.Msfcli
First, you can use Metasploit from the command line, or in msfcli mode. Although it appears that when we are in the console that we are using the command line, we are actually using an interactive console with special keywords and commands. From the msfcli, we ARE actually using a Linux command line.We can get the help screen for msfcli by typing:
kali > msfcli -h
kali > msfcli
Where E is short for execute.
The drawback to using the msfcli is that it is not as well-supported as the msfconsole, and you are limited to a single shell, making some of the more complex exploits impossible.
If you want to use Metasploit with a GUI (graphical user interface), at least a couple of options are available. First, Raphael Mudge has developed the Armitage (presumably a reference to a primary character in the seminal cyberhacking science fiction work, Neuromancer—a must read for any hacker with a taste for science fiction).kali > armitage
kali > service start metasploit
kali > service stop metasploit
Metasploit has six different types of modules. These are:- payloads
- exploits
- post
- nops
- auxiliary
- encoders
Exploits are the shellcode that takes advantage of a vulnerability or flaw in the system. These are operating system specific and many times, service pack (SP) specific, service specific, port specific, and even application specific. They are classified by operating system, so a Windows exploit will not work in a Linux operating system and vice versa.
Post are modules that we can use post exploitation of the system.
msf > show nops
msf > show encoders
Ever since Metasploit 4 was released, Metasploit has added search capabilities. Previously, you had to use the msfcli and grep to find the modules you were looking, but now Rapid7 has added the search keyword and features. The addition of the search capability was timely as Metasploit has grown dramatically, and simple eyeball searches and grep searches were inadequate to search over 1,400 exploits, for instance.The search keyword enables us to do simple keyword searches, but it also allows us to be a bit more refined in our search as well. For instance, we can define what type of module we are searching for by using the type keyword.
msf > search type:exploit
If we know we want to attack a Sun Microsystems machine running Solaris (Sun's UNIX), we may want may to refine our search to only solaris exploits, we can then use platform keyword.
msf > search type:exploit platform:solaris
To further refine our search, let's assume we want to attack the Solaris RPC (sunrpc) and we want to see only those exploits attacking that particular service. We can add the keyword "sunrpc" to our serach like below:
msf > search type:exploit platform:solaris sunrpc
Metasploit has many capabilities that are still untapped by us, so I will continue this Metasploit series to explore the simplest to the most complex. In the meantime, try some of my Metasploit hacks outlined in many Null Byte posts and keep coming back to this series on Metasploit to learn to hack like a pro!
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